Throughout the year, PASS welcomes support from its contributors. The staff works hard to help its constituents maintain their dignity and self-sufficiency by providing up-to-date information, referrals and direct assistance regarding low-income, age-related difficulties, bilingual needs, and unemployment.
The Board, staff and clients are grateful to all who share their resources with PASS. Direct donations to the agency and donations through United Way Donor Choice or corporate matching grants are very important to our community outreach programs in Philadelphia and surrounding areas.
For more information or to receive a donor reply form, contact PASS at: (215) 923-1900, or email:
Listed below are a few ways you can help PASS:
Direct your United Way Donor Choice contributions to United Polish American Social Services, the official name of the agency, using the following code number:
PASS Code: 1869
United Way of Greater Philadelphia Donor Choice Includes: Southeastern Pennsylvania, Camden, Cumberland and Burlington Counties
Workplace campaign contributions to PASS are honored in many regions across the country. It is important to ask your campaign management about this no matter where you live.
Let your co-workers know about PASS and invite them to support the agency.
Make sure that family members and friends know that they can support PASS through the Donor Choice option at their workplace or offer direct donations to the agency.
If you work for a company that matches employee gifts, double your gift by filling out the appropriate form. Many companies who would otherwise not support agencies like PASS do provide support through this vital program.
Important information you’ll need to fill out your form:
Polish American Social Services
(official name “United Polish American Social Services”)